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The John Lewis advert has finally made it onto our screens, Michael Bublé has been dusted off, and the gingerbread lattes are flowing. And while any digital PR agency worth their salt knows planning a successful Christmas campaign is a job for July, SEO experts also know that a successful marketing strategy is supported by evergreen content.
As a digital PR agency that operates our very own newsroom, the JBH finger is always on the pulse. London’s Ultra Low Emission Zones? A chance for our client,, to share their motoring expertise. Aussie post delays? Yet another opportunity for a client of ours — this time, WeThrift — to offer their own exclusive. It’s this intuitive, dedicated approach to digital PR that keeps our clients’ campaigns evergreen — and just like it’s important to recycle your Christmas tree each year, ensuring your Christmas content stands the test of time will pay off again — and again. With this in mind, the JBH team thought it only right to put our heads together to create a handy guide to stop you from falling into the trap of seasonal, never-to-be-seen-again content.
In digital PR, the most productive ideation always begins with your client — what can they talk about with authority? What subjects have been successful for their competitors? Which ones have been unsuccessful? Could you do any better? You’ll find digital PR at Christmastime is no different — for instance, whether down to cultural beliefs, geographical location, or simply personal preference, Christmas may not even be on your client’s radar. Or the opposite could be true, and they might want Christmas content at the forefront of all of their campaigns. Either way, don’t let the season make you lose sight of your clients’ campaign objectives.
Think about it… if you’re pitching Christmas content to journalists, then just how many other digital PRs are doing the very same thing? Don’t bother doing the maths… instead, start thinking about those unique hooks and angles. What story or subject line will set your digital PR agency apart from all the rest? Pitching a recipe for basting a turkey two days before the big knees-up? The timing’s all wrong! Make sure your outreach email is watertight — be personal, persuasive, and punctual.
Rather than crafting brand new seasonal content, don’t be afraid to revisit and reshape old content. We’re all familiar with the phrase “If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it”, and an experienced digital PR agency knows a non-stop news cycle isn’t something to be afraid of — but rather, an opportunity for you to use new tools for updated content. And if it is broken — for instance, if a campaign didn’t land the way you hoped it would — how can you fix it for the festive season? Fresh formats help your client access new audiences, and reinforcing their message adds to their authority.
From bank holidays and national days… to the Queen’s birthday, and every Hallmark card in-between, a digital PR agency’s calendar is filled with significant dates that can shape content — and often, data or listicles used for one special occasion can be repurposed for another. So, similarly to the above, consider how your Christmas campaign could be repackaged for future holidays — think of it as regifting!
A digital PR agency is always ready to react… react… and then react some more. In fact, being on the ball on behalf of your client is one of the most important roles of a digital PR agency. When it comes to your Christmas content, keep one eye on the campaigns you’ve already created, and another one on the news cycle. Does your client have something to say? As a digital PR agency that specialises in reactive content, we’re already planning the Christmas shopping themes we can frame using our client, WeThift’s Inclusive Index.
Did you know the phrase “Red and green should never be seen” was actually coined in reference to a digital PR campaign? Okay… we might be stretching the truth a little here… but that doesn’t mean it’s not valuable advice. When your digital PR agency is getting into the festive spirit, it can be all too easy for your design team to reach for the red, green, and gold, but to guarantee your images don’t go out of date within the month, we suggest supplementing content with broader imagery that can be reused. Then, if you really want to add some festive cheer, use an easy design tool like Canva for easily removable additions.
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